Its aLL In A CheMistry !!...ParT II
well, as i said earlier...i found it very disturbing that this particular guy could stay aloof from my charm......i didnt used to be ignored by people actually!!!
so i started teasing him outrageously, giving him small titbits like gula2....chewing gums... just so he would talk to me..... but to no avail... he still as quiet as a mouse!....but i can see that his eyes will follow me everywhere in the workshop....kalau tools org2 lain i selamba je belek2 and asked all sort of questions...but his tools ; welding set, i tak berani nak usik....abis asik tgk jer kite g mana...nanti usik kang die nampak n ckp 'HEPP!!!' jgn usik!!! mcm mana? :(...
until one time i rasa my effort have failed( satu2nye project memancing yg fail!), n coincidently i dah tak byk project kat situ lagik.....i seldom go there anymore....
just after i got a tooth operation, still under sedative, suddenly;
'tenet tenet' ...i got a msg!
' hi jezz, lama tak nampak? still keje kt larkin ke?'
who the hell is that?
'still, tp sape ni?'
'ade lah...peminat rahsia awak.tgh keje ke?'
wahh... i got peminat!! its good....
'tak...baru lepas operation'.....
n the smssing goes on throughout the nite....only then he told me who he is.... after all the guessing and flirting and bantering.....ahaks....
masa tu seronok giler sbb all my effort sebenarnye tak sia2....he ctrl macho je sebnrnye...when i didnt come anymore, he sort of missing me.......:D......
- got my number from his uncle ( the owner)
- keep my number until almost 2 weeks ( ahaks...insecurity...takut i tak response..)
- baru gather courage nak try sms me.....
ahaks... seronok gler!!!
well, is that what we call a ChEmIsTry??
i kacau die earlier just nak main2 jer...tade la taruh hati dan perasaan pn....lepas dah kwn beberapa lama n he said that he sayang me, two months after that baru la i realise that i feel somehing for him too...
its about the attraction, but in my case, reaction development agak lambat....kira chemistry jugak ke?
ahaks....well, mebbe! in us there's a lot of H2O and Hb... a lot of chemical substance in us....
thts why they blame it on the chemistry!!...not biology, or physics or something....
its when our hormones couldnt ctrl themselves, apparently! thats when u know that u and someone got a chemistric thingy going ons....:wink:
so i started teasing him outrageously, giving him small titbits like gula2....chewing gums... just so he would talk to me..... but to no avail... he still as quiet as a mouse!....but i can see that his eyes will follow me everywhere in the workshop....kalau tools org2 lain i selamba je belek2 and asked all sort of questions...but his tools ; welding set, i tak berani nak usik....abis asik tgk jer kite g mana...nanti usik kang die nampak n ckp 'HEPP!!!' jgn usik!!! mcm mana? :(...
until one time i rasa my effort have failed( satu2nye project memancing yg fail!), n coincidently i dah tak byk project kat situ lagik.....i seldom go there anymore....
just after i got a tooth operation, still under sedative, suddenly;
'tenet tenet' ...i got a msg!
' hi jezz, lama tak nampak? still keje kt larkin ke?'
who the hell is that?
'still, tp sape ni?'
'ade lah...peminat rahsia awak.tgh keje ke?'
wahh... i got peminat!! its good....
'tak...baru lepas operation'.....
n the smssing goes on throughout the nite....only then he told me who he is.... after all the guessing and flirting and bantering.....ahaks....
masa tu seronok giler sbb all my effort sebenarnye tak sia2....he ctrl macho je sebnrnye...when i didnt come anymore, he sort of missing me.......:D......
- got my number from his uncle ( the owner)
- keep my number until almost 2 weeks ( ahaks...insecurity...takut i tak response..)
- baru gather courage nak try sms me.....
ahaks... seronok gler!!!
well, is that what we call a ChEmIsTry??
i kacau die earlier just nak main2 jer...tade la taruh hati dan perasaan pn....lepas dah kwn beberapa lama n he said that he sayang me, two months after that baru la i realise that i feel somehing for him too...
its about the attraction, but in my case, reaction development agak lambat....kira chemistry jugak ke?
ahaks....well, mebbe! in us there's a lot of H2O and Hb... a lot of chemical substance in us....
thts why they blame it on the chemistry!!...not biology, or physics or something....
its when our hormones couldnt ctrl themselves, apparently! thats when u know that u and someone got a chemistric thingy going ons....:wink:
bla bla bla...
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 28, 2007
ek ele...nak comment pun tak ikhlas. Sivaji the boss tul anonymous nie. ArGh...akhirnya aku sudah boleh menerima cerita cinta eivon..shish..apa nak long as dia happy ngan mamat tu n tak kawin ngan mamat tu...terpaksa la aku menerimanya. jess..jom tgk citer sivaji the boss
Anonymous, at Friday, June 29, 2007
tu lah...dah la tak ikhlas... pastu tak berani nk menunjukkn diri lak tuh...kalau berani tulih la nickname, senang sket nak cari.....stakat tulis anonymous, huh! chicken shit sungguh
Anonymous, at Friday, June 29, 2007
weik anonymous..kalau berani meh la fight ngan adik beradik diesel aku yg terdiri dari diesel kaler merah,biru,indigo,hijau,hitam,purple,nylon,gstring,dll.
Anonymous, at Friday, June 29, 2007
baru aku tau naper ko taip blog "its all in a chemistry" nie...rupa2nya nak buat eksperimen. Shish..Selamat Menjadi bakal Pengantin Baru buat Jesnor. Ahaks.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 04, 2007
erk.. sape nak kawen mawen nih?? ehehhehe... eina.. u've been tagged(again!) sila ke blog saya ye untuk penerangan lanjut
the virt, at Thursday, July 05, 2007
weh, biler plak aku nak kawen? aku wat eksperimen je....dlm post tu setitik huruf pn tade tulih aku nak kawen., ko yg nak kawen?
erk, kene tag lagik?
Anonymous, at Saturday, July 07, 2007
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