a busy month!
ive been so busy lately.....
there are two events in singapore that we ve organised , under tourism...and there are a big event in july that i have to prepare the paperwork...
fist time in my working life preparing a paperwork in Malay....hakhakhakha...'merangkak wa ckp lu'...... siap ada dictionary lagik kat sebelah to translate words in Malay....
mula2 sebelum buat, rasa mmg tak susah....ala, bahasa kiter ckp hari2.....but when u used to do it in english... suddenly u hv to do it in malay......seriously u will merangkak.....
those english words keep lingering on your mind....siap tertaip lagik those english words....damn it.....simple word as organizer , and coupon redemption pun boleh stuck......pergh teruk gler rase....
nasib arr i got a sister who's working as a lecturer who used to do paperwork in malay....ader ar die bg guideline sikit2..... but to reka those impressive words.....susah woo....ayat kene tekan...baru org baca paperwork mcm seronok jer.... n tht is very difficult when u used to jumble words in english......ahaks...
seminggu buat tak habeh2......slalu paperwork 3 4 hari jer siap......rasa mcm fail gler.....
akhir kata, cintailah bahasa malaysia!
ps: when i was at school, i used to be good in malay!...siap tulis short stories lagik......my english is rusty, my malay pn karat... ape nak jd nih?
there are two events in singapore that we ve organised , under tourism...and there are a big event in july that i have to prepare the paperwork...
fist time in my working life preparing a paperwork in Malay....hakhakhakha...'merangkak wa ckp lu'...... siap ada dictionary lagik kat sebelah to translate words in Malay....
mula2 sebelum buat, rasa mmg tak susah....ala, bahasa kiter ckp hari2.....but when u used to do it in english... suddenly u hv to do it in malay......seriously u will merangkak.....
those english words keep lingering on your mind....siap tertaip lagik those english words....damn it.....simple word as organizer , and coupon redemption pun boleh stuck......pergh teruk gler rase....
nasib arr i got a sister who's working as a lecturer who used to do paperwork in malay....ader ar die bg guideline sikit2..... but to reka those impressive words.....susah woo....ayat kene tekan...baru org baca paperwork mcm seronok jer.... n tht is very difficult when u used to jumble words in english......ahaks...
seminggu buat tak habeh2......slalu paperwork 3 4 hari jer siap......rasa mcm fail gler.....
akhir kata, cintailah bahasa malaysia!
ps: when i was at school, i used to be good in malay!...siap tulis short stories lagik......my english is rusty, my malay pn karat... ape nak jd nih?
maybe shld go back to GS & jupe Sir again for English and.. for BM, sape cikgu BM kite dulu tu?? lupe lak nama heheheh..
Anonymous, at Wednesday, April 11, 2007
hu hu hu
Anonymous, at Tuesday, April 17, 2007
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