they do give a brief intro about themselves in a blog. well, my name is jessnor eina...usually people call me jess. u will call me eina with only my permission..i dun know wht people think of me... it varies from one person to another, they say im sweet, innocent,childish being, they say im a good listener, a caring friend. they say im cold, hard n a proud, they say im wicked, weird, n vain.. so take ur pick....i can be whatever u want...ahaks....
kepada budak yg nak derma darah..tolong jgn buat resume bila nak derma darah. kalau nak derma dara...jumpa aku ajer. pun tak yah resume.
Anonymous, at Monday, June 18, 2007
:P.... ape plak derma darah?...itu final year aku nye project arr....kpd budak yg tak buat thesis, sila duduk diam2
jesschomel, at Tuesday, June 19, 2007
ele diesel merah..ko jgn layan dia minah nie.. jesschomel jeles la tu cakap macam tu.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 20, 2007
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