
ahaks.... cutest menu for burger jalanan! mesti korang nak beli kalau stall die sechomel nih kan?
"chicago" unique menu .....only in setia indah...
( w black pepper sauce, and cheese and mayonese and chilli sauce...
- u hancurkn the burger and put serbuk kari, kicap, n mentega and onion.....
- pastu pecahkan separuh telur dlm tmpt putih yg slalu buat benjo tu...
- and masukkn daging burger and terbalik kan and tampal the rest with telur jugak.....
- so it would look like normal burger jugak......but with more taste sebb perasa2 tu dah sebati dlm daging burger)
besh gler!!!!...dtg la sini...then ill bring u to them)
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