ahaks. i got free tickets to attend dis concert....its cool!!...sbb search, n ticket mahal....so tade la sgt mat rempit2 yg dtg yg nyebuk lebey2 ngada2 nak tarik perhatian.....ramai gak arr pkck2 rupa cam ramli sarip dtg pd mlm tu....suar koyak n boots....aweq2 rock yg sexy....ahaks....budak2 yg di'rock'kan oleh mak ayah die pn ade gak......cam pakaian beragam la pulak......well, amy nyanyi mmg besh arr....xdpt nak dinafipn.....ade arr dlm 12 lagu die nyanyi....but dlm byk2 lagu diee, my fav song die tak nyanyi....:tears:..mmg enjoy arr 'head banging and sing at the top of ur lung tp org sumer tak dgr sebb music is so loud....ahaks....guess who gave me the ticket?.my 'bf's' dad (how cool is that?)..... die bg kat anak dia soh g tgk concert ngn aweq.... ahaks.... sporting habis.... .ps: nanti ade ticket free lg, ckp eh?leh g lagik.....
Current Addiction...
.before this, i always wonder wht so gr8 about fishing tht people so craze about. ( well, yg kaki2 lah...beli joran sampai ribu2...) ...well, now.... i really got the first hand experience on fishing!!
i guess i got a bit lucky on my 1st time....tggu 30 mins jer dah ade ikan!!...ada setengah org kena tggu seharian baru dpt ikan...so i consider myself lucky!!the way u layan ikan tu yg besh...it require skill though...sampai sekarang tak reti tarik ikan cemana lagik....ahaks...
but the best thing is the feeling u dok tepi pantai malam2 tggu air pasang...the sea is so beautiful, with stars scattered within the sky.... ditemani bunyi cengkerik dan buih2 ombak....making some rythm of nature..... u just cant ignore the beauty of it!! u cant think of nothing else there.....chantekk gler!!
well, reality bites.... slalu dpt manceng kat kolam jer..... mana sempat nak ke pantai @ tasik...on occasional weekend only.... so guys, whoever got the tendency to skyjump or bungee jump, beware!! u r next... meh arr kwn ngn saya....nak try ur hobby plak....bring it on!!.....:wink:
aksi2 a great fisherman -to -be... ahaks :wink: ( baru balek opis pn layan gak manceng...isk )
my crew....... isk...apsal brader ni asik ade jer ek??.
. hasil tangkapan......
the way u bukak mata kail from a siakap... ( the insang of siakap is very sharp...kalau kene tangan boleh darah...thts why kena pakai kaki.... kalau tidak...habis luka...kalau kaki ayam pn luka jugak....ahaks)..
so folk, what do u think of my current addiction?